Quotable Education Quotes: 9/9/2013

** “People don’t send their children to schools farther from home to take advantage of higher spending or the specialization of ‘magnet’ schools,’ which do less integrating than cherry picking. And lack of spending is not the main reason...

Making Education News: 8/15/2013

1.  Next up: The Next Generation Science Standards said to be designed with the most- and least-advanced science students in mind. 2. The government is now allowing states that received their No Child Left Behind waivers by last summer to apply for a delay in using...

Making Education News: 4/19/2013

Obama’s NCLB waivers, while relieving its accountability requirements still mandate high-stakes testing, thus raising test scores into an end unto themselves. Although only Nebraska, Vermont, and Montana have yet to request or been granted NCLB waivers, only 12...

Quotable Education Quotes: 2/19/2013

“This simple [NCLB] waiver authority has turned into a conditional waiver, with the secretary [Arne Duncan] basically grabbing–grabbing’s not the right word–having more authority to make decisions that, in my view, should be made locally by the...