The Self-Esteem Movement’s Leavings

   Self-esteem talk got its start way back in the mid-1700’s with the writings of Scottish philosopher David Hume in which he emphasized the importance of self-worth in the quest to attain one’s full potential. Moving forward, in 1890, American philosopher and...

Seeing Red on Red-Wearing Valentine’s Day

       “The heart gets quiet when it gets listened to.” ~ author unknown Whether to impress, reassure, or simply shout it from the rooftops, 52% of us will honor Valentine’s Day by spending, on average, a whopping $192 on gifts. In fact, about 30% of us will spend so...


     It took 700 days, but here in the Philly area, it finally snowed on Tuesday. Supermarket cash registers hummed, schools closed, and sledding made a comeback. Today, Friday of the same week and around 5 o’clock this morning, the white, fluffy stuff started falling...

2024 New Year Resolutions: Yes? No?

“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person.” ~ Benjamin Franklin It’s the first day of a whole new year, so will you be first stepping into 2024 with self-help promises in mind? After all,...

“You Can’t Buy Love, But You Can Rescue It”

 “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ~ Anatole France, 1921 Nobel Laureate For the fifth year, Subaru's National#MakeADog’sDay, October 22, once again "shines the spotlight on hard-to-adopt dogs—the older, deaf, blind, and...