

Here, find everything you need to protect your kids’ digital privacy, elementary through college. ~

Here you’ll find expert tips to save you from false accusations of ChatGPT use in your writings. ~ Failed to Avoid AI Detection: Falsely Accused of Using ChatGPT for Academic Writing [Infographic] (

Here you’ll find 2024 updated info on social media addiction & the pressure it puts on our teens… ~

Read all about the usefulness of learning styles at The Problem with Learning Styles and How to Use It to Your Benefit (

For info on getting an associate degree & the many benefits one affords ~ Associate Degree – a Short Path to a High-Paid Job [Pros, Cons, Tips, Examples] | Blog StudyCorgi

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about keeping your family safe when on social media… ~ A Family’s Guide to Social Media Safety: Ensuring a Good Experience Online (

This study group site helps kids retain information via sharing, discussing, questioning, & feedback ~ How to Organize a Successful Study Group: Best Tips & Strategies [GUIDE] (

This site is all about family travel and its positive impact on kids. ~

Here you’ll find a seldom addressed topic: Dropping out of college and next steps ~

Here’s a way to figure out if social media is negatively affecting your well-being ~

Offers “50 ways forest & outdoor learning experiences benefit child development” ~

“Safe Media Streaming for Kids” helps parents protect their children from inappropriate online content. ~ cyberbullying guide offers info on signs to look for, its effects, how parents can help, and so much more.

Internet safety tips for teens from Xfinity ~

A parent guide to teen online safety ~

All about cyberbullying & preventing it ~

Mobile phone stats that stun ~

Here, find all the info you need about digital threats to students, online safety tips, and so much more.

Engages students in real-life projects with hands-on learning activities ~

17 Online Safety Rules for Kids ~

This Router Networks’ Guide to Wi-Fi & Internet Safety is a must read ~

Provides a thorough, well-researched guide to camping with kids~

Covers teen driving risk factors, safe driving tips, and much more ~

Offers a detailed guide to “managing classroom behavior to maximize learning” ~

Preps students for the ACT, SAT, AP & other standardized exams via self-paced video lessons ~

Offers online art lessons and YouTube drawing tutorials ~

Here, fine space-related games, ed tools, and even virtually toud the Hubble Space Telescope ~

Offers science videos, DIY experiments & much more ~

Site says: “Learn a language for free. Forever ~

Offers a parent  guide for teaching teen online safety ~

Help protect your data with this useful cybersecurity guide ~

Creating the ultimate playroom for your autistic child ~

All the ways you can interact with visually impaired children ~

Find out how to childproof your home for your deaf or hard-of-hearing child ~

Head here for the best ways to communicate with deaf children ~

Covers everything parents need to know about Internet safety and privacy for kids: offers preps students for such tests as the ACT, SAT, and GRE:

Grammarly for Chrome underlines in red grammar and spelling errors while typing, then collecting and emailing the list; errors can be corrected as made or later:

Dualless allows student to split their screen so they can work in two tabs at the same time:

Mercury Reader, formerly Readability, removes distracting ads, comment sections and other irrelevant content from articles while keeping useful features like photos:

Noisli allows students to listen to ambient sounds like rain or even a cafe while working instead of distracting music. They can add multiple sounds to the same track or specific combination for different activities like writing or test-taking:

For VoiceIn Voice Typing, just place the cursor where you want to start typing, activate the extension, and start talking. Later, either dictate the punctuation or add it later:

Provides info on 32 destinations that welcome & accommodate those with special needs:

Today’s bikes offer various options to enable cycling for all but the most severely disabled:

Addresses playground safety for those with a disability:

Ensures backyard success & future adventures for those with a disability:

Guide to Financial Aid in Computer Science:

Punctuation Guide (click to download)

Helps parents make great kids via videos, blogs & more:

Free research for educators: Educator Labs

Student Education Guide: Good Study Habits

Help with fractions for Students

School Grants for Single Mothers

Homework Helpers Student Resources

Homework Desk: Study Guides

Online Quiz and Test Taking Strategies

Live-Answers Homework and Education

Kids Discuss Parenting Resources

First Class Schools Resources for schools

Middle School Matters

Spelling challenges:

Reading & writing:






Fun stuff:

What’s in a name?

Grammar guide:

Grammar & writing:

Parts of Speech:

Writing process info: ?

Paragraph development:

All about words:

Poetry for kids:

All about words:

Cursive writing guide:

Math help:

Math help:

Dr. Math:

Homework Help:

On-line tutors:

Teacher assistance:

Here where to find real world strategies to improve classroom behavior. ~

Here’s where to go to find out if social media is negatively affecting your mental health ~

An informative guide to young people’s mental health ~

A guide to WiFi security risks and safe use guide ~

Helps parents stay connected with & help their kids stay smartphone safe:

Provides specific safety measures for kids & parents when on social media:

A comprehensive guide for parents concerned about cyberbullying:

Effectively teaches online safety with games:

Open-use guides:

Online Teen Safety Guide:

Math and Science:



All subjects:





Tips Booklets:

ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra:

ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra:


ACT Math:


Advanced Geometry:

All 120 Subjects:

Dynamics of Space Flight – NASA:

Understanding Flight Dynamics:

ScienceNews for Students”

Math Calculators – organized by Subject, Topic & Difficulty:


Fix-It Literacy Guide:

Become an Engineer:

Become a Doctor: Preparing for the MCAT:

World Culture:

Cultural Norms and Anomalies in Rural Morocco:

The Encyclopedia of Earth – Geography:

Ultimate Vocabulary Resource Guide:

More important than ever, this site targets classroom behavior and real world strategies to improve it. ~ 

Here you’ll find guides to “communication essentials,’ including essay and academic writing ~

This site offers a one-of-a-kind guide for high achievers ~

Safe Media Streaming for Kids” helps parents control protect their children from inappropriate online content. ~

All about kids screen time ~

Provides education resources Pre-K through college ~

Here you’ll find cyberbullying statistics ~

Internet safety for young people:



All subjects:





Tips Booklets:

ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra:

ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra:


ACT Math:


Advanced Geometry:

All 120 Subjects:

Dynamics of Space Flight – NASA:

Understanding Flight Dynamics:

ScienceNews for Students”

Math Calculators – organized by Subject, Topic & Difficulty:


Fix-It Literacy Guide:

Become an Engineer:

Become a Doctor: Preparing for the MCAT:

World Culture:

Cultural Norms and Anomalies in Rural Morocco:

The Encyclopedia of Earth – Geography:

Ultimate Vocabulary Resource Guide:


Frequently Asked Questions

Academics asks a lot of kids—and you, too, so please send me any school-wise questions you might have—tips, too. I’ll personally respond to each one and then post it on my blog to help others. I look forward to hearing from you and working together.

How can I ever balance homework with after-school activities/sports and family life?

Finding balance is never easy, but it helps to make homework/studying a priority, while also encouraging at least one extra-curricular activity and outdoor play. Remember, we each get 168 hours to spend a week, and even including school hours, sleep, meals, eating time, family time, and so on, most kids find they still have countless hours available to them to do both homework/studying and other activities. To request time management charts, just shoot me an email, and I’ll scan them over to you right away.

Can a tutor really help my child?

Schooling/learning continue to evolve with tech and the Common Core curriculum, etc., and many parents are either too busy and/or feel they lack the expertise to help their kids with homework. So, yes, indeed, a good tutor can be incredibly helpful, and most schools can provide you with recommendations.

Is it okay for my child to listen to music while doing homework? How about having the TV on?

Music can, for some kids anyway, help settle them, but lyrics can be incredibly distracting, so pair it only with busy work, never textbook readings or test prep. That just doesn’t work. As for television viewing, make it a reward after all assignments and studying are completed to your satisfaction. Concentration requires a good deal of energy; tuning out music/TV eats up energy, too, so your child will tire even more quickly.

How can I help organize my child’s notebook?

For starters, stock up on notebook dividers, and then use one for each major subject, followed by one for notes, another for tests & quizzes, and the third for returned assignments. For health class and any electives, just one divider for each will do. OR, purchase a separate notebook for each subject–each a different color and each filled with four dividers: one with the subject name, plus one each for notes, tests/quizzes, and returned homework.

Is there any way to prepare for a parent-child conference? Should I insist that s/he be included?
You know your child best, but I would advise letting him know beforehand about the conference and then sharing most of what is said, focusing on the positives but addressing concerns and the steps being taken. Including your child is your call, with input from the school. Some encourage it, while others do not. Meanwhile, be well-prepared with questions of your own and concerns, too. Try not to get defensive, but instead work with the teachers and guidance counselor, putting in place strategies to be implemented both at school and at home.
How much screen time is too much?

Nowadays, most kids spend a good deal of classroom time using tech and even more so those engaged in what’s called “personalized learning.” Plus, in some cases, homework assignments are online. That makes limiting non-essential, at-home screen time even more important. Two hours a day should be max; less is better. Keep in mind that excessive screen time can result in sleep deprivation, obesity, anxiety, and other mental health issues. As for kids two to five, experts say one hour per day is the limit–and make it worthwhile.

How much sleep do teens need?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, young people should be getting between 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night, though many don’t come close, and that can affect learning and performance.