- Obama’s NCLB waivers, while relieving its accountability requirements still mandate high-stakes testing, thus raising test scores into an end unto themselves.
- Although only Nebraska, Vermont, and Montana have yet to request or been granted NCLB waivers, only 12 states have had their evaluation systems approved.
- Education Secretary Arne Duncan is now signalling that he may grant tailored district-level NCLB waivers in states that haven’t yet won a waiver. 9 California districts have already applied.
- Along with universal preschool, Obama is working towards incentivizing states to create high-quality birth to 5 programs, especially for low- and middle-income families.
- Obama voiced his universal preschool proposal in Georgia which has offered subsidized free preschool since 1995. Ironically, though, Georgia has the third worst graduation rate in the country, consistent with the proven fading of gains made in preschool.