“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors,
and let each new year find you a better person.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
It’s the first day of a whole new year, so will you be first stepping into 2024 with self-help promises in mind? After all, resolutions offer up a chance to revise ourselves, so to speak, to do it better this time around, so why not, right?
Well, you’d think, but, finds YouGov Today, just 34% of us will enter 2024 with a list in hand:
- 52% adults under 30,
- 44% of those 30 to 44,
- 27% of those 45 to 64, and
- 18% of the 65+ set.
Maybe the rest of us are too busy, self-satisfied, or simply can’t be bothered?
Meanwhile, a recent Forbes Health/One Poll survey of 1,000 Americans discovered that just 20% plan to “keep themselves accountable when it comes to sticking to their goals,” down from last year’s 77%.
As for their plans:
- Improve fitness: 48%
- Improve finances: 38%
- Improve mental health: 36%
- Lose weight: 34%
- Improve their diets: 32%
- Perform better at work: dead last at 3%
Problem is that most won’t stick with them for very long:
- 1% will likely last less than a month,
- 22% will likely last 2 months,
- 5% will likely last 6 months, and
- Just 1% will likely last the whole year.
And that’s why and ready for your datebooks:
- January 17: “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day,”
- The second Friday in January: “Quitter’s Day,” with a reprieve on
- June 1: “New Year’s Resolution Recommitment Day.”
~ With thanks and happy 2024 wishes, Carol (www.schoolwisebooks.com)
“Absolutely everything you do is a chance to give love. Start any time you’d like.” ~ Kai Skye