1) 13 states do not belong to either the PARCC or SBAC Common Core testing consortia, considerably more than at the outset. 2) According to a Gates Foundation survey of 20,000 K-12 teachers, 73% said they’re “enthusiastic about implementing the Common...

It’s an Education Fact: 7/02/2013

1) The $650 million (“i3) grant competition awarded up to $50 million to each of 49 recipients in 2010. 2) On the NAEP in economics, 43% of high schoolers scored at the “proficient” level or above. The breakdown: 53% of whites, 26% of Hispanics, and...

Factually Speaking: 1/10/2013

Last year, nearly 50% of our schools failed to make Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) under the No Child Left Behind Act. Standardized testing regimens cost states $1.7 billion a year–or .25% of total K-12 spending. A recent Gates Foundation report of more than...

Factually Speaking: 11/27/2012

The mean SAT reading score was 496 out of a possible 800, a 40-year low; math scores were flat at 514. Writing came in at 488, down 9 points since 2006 and the lowest since writing was added to the SAT. 57% of those taking the SATs did not achieve a combined score of...