1) 13 states do not belong to either the PARCC or SBAC Common Core testing consortia, considerably more than at the outset.
2) According to a Gates Foundation survey of 20,000 K-12 teachers, 73% said they’re “enthusiastic about implementing the Common Core, and 73% believe it is or will be a challenge doing so. Meanwhile, 51% said they don’t have enough collaboration time, and 43% said their classes are too big.
3) The same study found that 69% of the teachers feel they’re valued or heard at school, but only 5% feel that’s the case at the state level and just 2% at the national level.
4) By 2017, the NAEP tests–the nation’s report card– will be administered on tablets from private contractors, but 55% of teachers are not confident that this approach will provide a successful testing experience and results.
5) A recent survey finds that 42% of teachers and 38% of students feel the right amount of time is spent on testing.