Quotable Education Quotes: October 13, 2014

** “Sure, every aging generation thinks things were better in ‘their’ day, but this time it’s not a case of rose-colored reminiscing. Somewhere along the line, things have changed. From the massive homage paid to political correctness to the...

It’s an Education Fact: 9/17/2013

1) The Common Core Standards do not call for teaching cursive writing or reading; plus, at least 41 states don’t require it, either, and that troubles many educators. 2) The number of schools adding hours or days has jumped 53% since 2009, according to the...

It’s an Education Fact: 7/16/2013

1) While women hold 48% of all U.S. jobs, they hold just 24% of STEM-related ones. 2) Tech jobs represented 5.4% of the private sector workforce with an average salary of $93,800 vs. the average private wage earner’s $47,400. 3) Now only 4% to 5% of children...