It’s that time again when we let go of one year and promise to do better going forward into the new one, keeping fingers crossed on everything from giving up bad habits to spending more face-to-face time with those who matter to us.
And that’s all well and good, but how about topping your resolutions with gratitude, giving thanks at every turn?
You’ll be so glad you did…
Based on a range of studies, cites 28 benefits to having a grateful heart, saying, “Those who pay attention to what is good in their lives instead of what’s bad are more likely to feel positively about their life.”
What’s more, research has found that the grateful are happier, more optimistic, more giving, and less troubled.
Other benefits include lower blood pressure, improved sleep and our overall health, too, so, for your own good and for those around you, too, count your blessings, revel in your day-to-day, and squeeze as much as you can out of each one with thanks.
And here’s another thought, this one from the Story People folks Brian Andreas and Fia Skye:
“You are always the light you see by, and, if it is dark in the places you look,
it is only because you still pretend the light will have to come from someone else.”
With wishes for good cheer and health in 2020, I thank you. ~ Carol
Excellent article to live by Carol
Thank-you for sharing
Love this article Carol, printing it and reading every day! I love the last quote !!