Education News: August 19, 2014

1. Washington is the first state so far to lose its NCLB flexibility, and now the government has rejected all of its requests not to have to notify parents if their schools are not meeting AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) and allowing them to transfertheir kids to...

Making Education News: 6/24/2014

1.  The U.S. Department of Education handed out $53.6 billion in Obama’s stimulus money to help K-12 budgets as long was they publicly reported on numerous education indicators, such as the performance of charters and the percentage of high school grads...

Quotable Education Quotes: 6/23/2014

** “On Thursday, Secretary of State Arne Duncan informed Washington that he was revoking the waiver that had freed it from impossible-to-meet requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), including the quixotic mandate that 100 percent of students be...

Making Education News: 10/24/2013

1.  California’s move to suspend most of its accountability testing for one year as it transitions from its own state assessments to field testing the Common Core tests caused Education Secretary to threaten withholding funding if the state proceeds. 2.  The...