by Carol A. Josel | Nov 22, 2013 | Articles
Okay, so maybe most of us don’t know that, when, in 1935 and ’36, the Supreme Court found against certain parts of Roosevelt’s New Deal, he responded by threatening to appoint additional Supreme Court justices who shared his views. Surely, though, we all know how many...
by Carol A. Josel | Jul 2, 2013 | Making Education News
1) The $650 million (“i3) grant competition awarded up to $50 million to each of 49 recipients in 2010. 2) On the NAEP in economics, 43% of high schoolers scored at the “proficient” level or above. The breakdown: 53% of whites, 26% of Hispanics, and...
by Carol A. Josel | May 21, 2013 | Making Education News
According to an UCLA survey, 87.9% of freshmen this year said “being able to get a better job” is an important reason to go to college. Between 2005 and 2011, 45 states increased the number of 8th graders taking Algebra I. Nevertheless, states that...