by Carol A. Josel | Jun 6, 2016 | Articles
Laura Chapman, a retired teacher and curriculum advisor in the arts, recently posted a piece for education historian Diane Ravitch on this brave new data-obsessed world of ours. What it suggests/reveals should give us all pause, even those without school-aged kids....
by Carol A. Josel | Jul 25, 2013 | Making Education News
1. More than one million students across the country have participated in a pilot of the math and English/language arts SBAC and PARCC Common Core standardized tests to help prepare teachers for when they really count. 2. The Next Generation Science Standards have...
by Carol A. Josel | Apr 22, 2013 | Quotable Quotes
“I have come to the conclusion that the Common Core Standards effort is fundamentally flawed by the process by which they have been foisted upon the nation. President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan often stay that the Common Core Standards were...
by Carol A. Josel | Jan 24, 2013 | Making Education News
The federal government has denied Pennsylvania’s request to evaluate charter school achievement using more lenient criteria, so they must now be assessed by the same standards as traditional public schools. Pennsylvania’s Education Secretary of Education...