• “What gets tested is what gets taught.” ~ anonymous
  • “When I grew up (a baby boomer), our social life was outside. We hung out. The next generation spent time at the mall. This generation spends time at home–connected. Kids have to be social. It’s all part of the pre-teen and teen years and young adult years. MySpace happened to come around at the right tine when you had a whole generation of kids who needed a place to be social.” ~ Larry Rosen, author, Me, MySpace, and I: Parenting the Net Generation
  • “I think it’s crazy that parents call their twenty-something children–young adults–to wake them up and consult them on what to wear. These same grown children probably also bring their laundry home for mom to handle.” ~ Dayna Duke, USA Today letter to the editor
  • “One of the unintended consequences of No Child Left Behind is that our schools have a less time to focus on other subjects. Fewer than 1/3 of American adults can name the three branches of the federal government. Most know the judging panel of “American Idol,” but fewer than one in 10 can name U.S. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.” ~ Sandra Day O’Connor, retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice
  • “I often ask myself, ‘How can we ever expect children to become people of good character if the adults in their lives don’t role model that behavior?” ~ Jeff Franklin, University of Illinois