** “The formal structures that buttress the [Common Core] standards, and the related tests from two federally funded consortia, have eroded somewhat, as states reconsider their adoptions of the standards and reject the common tests. And common-core advocates have other worries–most notably, whether states, districts, and schools have done enough to make sure the standards work well in classrooms. However, so far there is little sign and not a great deal of precedent that the states backing away from the common core, or considering doing so, will ultimately produce anything that is truly different from those standards.” ~ Andrew Ujifusa, Education Week
** “More recently, and despite initial support, the unions’ commitment to the Common Core State Standards seems to have flagged. Witness leaders’ comments, of late, suggesting that classroom standards are fine so long as they aren’t enforced and no penalties are exacted for failure to meet them.” ~ Leslie C. Francis, Democratic Washington-based consultant
** “It is not realistic to expect every single tested child in every school to score as proficient. Some of our students are very capable, but may have unique learning needs that make it difficult for them to accurately demonstrate their strengths on a standardized test.” ~ Rebecca Holcombe, Vermont Education Secretary
** “The idea that somehow you can separate improving teacher quality from the fact that resource disparities are huge is absurd. But it’s the nature of the political beast. Policymakers have been fully sold on the rhetoric that there’s more than enough money in the system already if we just spent it more efficiently.” ~ Lesli A. Maxwell, Education Week
** “The AFT and the NEA will try to forge a new relationship. Part of that is because our members, our communities, our families demand it. We’re not going to be able to fight back … unless we work shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand.” ~ Randi Weingarten, AFT president