- On the soon-to-be-released film Won’t Back Down with Viola Davis and Maggie Gyllenhall: “I cred several times despite knowing that this movie was funded by charter school privatizers seeking fistfuls of dwindling education dollars. I cried despite knowing that the story behind the ‘failing’ school was not told . . . Unfortunately, this film depicts a story more about good vs evil than about the truth behind public schools and the movement to privatize them. Portraying a complex public education system as irretrievably broken–and blaming abusive, older teachers and their rabidly protective unions–is much easier than illustrating the complicated truth, I suppose.” ~ Rita Solnet, parent activist & vice-president of the Community Academies Board in Palm Beach
- “Parents who have demanded better teacher quality and heightened scrutiny of schools over the past decade should start by looking in the mirror if they want improved outcomes for their children. Better test scores start at home. And parents may soon find themselves under the microscope for student performance if proponents of parental accountability standards get their way. Although teachers and schools are held accountable for outcomes, many argue that it is time to hold parents responsible, too. The days of parents adopting a hands-off, ‘it’s the teacher’s job’ approach to their child’s education are quickly coming to an end.” Alfonzo Porter, author, consultant, former teacher & administrator
- “I believe I will be happier for having quit teaching. I will make more money. I will have more time. I will no longer sacrifice myself for the sake of others’ children. I would like to go back some day when the system finally figures out how lucky it is that people are so dedicated to teaching.” ~ Jordon Kohanim, former English teacher & now education specialist
- “I predict the Common Core Standards will fail unless we can do massive professional development. There’s no fast track to this.” ~ Hng-Hsi Wo, math professor, University of California, Berkeley
- “Attention young adults and teenagers: If you’re tired of being hassled by unreasonable parents, now is the time for action! Move out and pay your own way while you still know everything.” ~ anonymous (discovered on a diner plaque)