** On online schools: “Like the charter schools, they have no busing costs, they have no transportation costs, there’s just a whole series of costs they don’t have. So the question is, why would we give them as much money as we give to traditional public schools? The vast majority have worse graduation rates than do traditional public schools, so why are we rewarding failure?” ~ Associated Press
** “The idea that we have technology, and we have to get it to kids as early as possible, is not based on any scientific evidence.” ~ Susan Linn
** “When I was grounded for a couple of months and didn’t have my phone, I got done extra early with homework.” ~ Alex Sifuentes
** “We’re all inherently mathematical because our minds inherently look for patterns. Don’t tell me you’re not a math person because we all are. You just may not like math yet.” ~ Laitlin Mulhere