With thanks to Education Week, these poll responses speak volumes about the Common Core, their related online assessments, and the billions spent to implement them–all to very mixed reviews. Your tax dollars at work…
Question: “Are standards preparing students to succeed?”
- 27% = Extremely/very well
- 40% = Somewhat well
- 30% = Not so well/not at all well
Question:: “Do you support or oppose letting parents decide to have their children take math and reading tests?”
- General Public: 25% support; 15% neither; 60% oppose
- Parents: 38% support; 13% neither; 49% oppose
- Teachers: 40% support; 8% neither; 52% oppose
Question: “Do you support or oppose the Common Core standards in your state?”
- General Public: 42% support; 15% neither; 42% oppose
- Parents: 42% support; 15% neither; 43% oppose
- Teachers: 41% support; 8% neither; 51% oppose
Question: “Do you support or oppose the use of standards in your state?”
- General Public: 55% support; 17% neither; 28% oppose
- Parents: 57% support; 13% neither; 29% oppose
- Teachers: 46% support; 7% neither; 46% oppose