1. Both PARCC and SBAC consortiums are creating online assessments for the Common Core but will also offer paper-and-pencil versions, as states transition to fully online testing. Question is, does one version have an advantage over the other?
2. Some built-in student accommodations for the PARCC Common Core assessments will not be available during the spring 2014 field tests, and this can create problems for their formal 2014-15 school year launch.
3. PARCC and SBAC will not have to increase assessment prices by more than a few dollars per student if some states drop out. They now cost $29.50 per student for PARCC’s and $22.50 for the SBAC’s tests.
4. The U.S. Department of Education says California’s decision to drop its old standardized test next spring could cost the state at least $3.5 billion.
5. Typing, previously taught in middle and high schools, is now having to be taught at the elementary levels because of the Common Core online assessments.