1. The top performer on the 2009 PISA was Shanghai, China with a score of 556, while America’s 500 was largely unchanged from previous years. However, Asian-Americans came in second with a 541, and white Americans came in sixth with a score of 525. African-American’s score, on the other hand, was 441.
  2. 37% of 4th graders say their math work is “often” or “always” too easy. 57% of 8th graders say the same thing about history, plus 39% of 12th graders say they rarely write about what they read in class.
  3. Until the ’60’s, students took three years of civics. Today, they may take one semester–if that. No wonder, then, that only 28% of students scored at the proficient or advanced levels on the NAEP civics exam.
  4. Common Core Standards will impact 42 million K-12 students and 2.7 million teachers, but 60% of registered voters say they know nothing about them; 65% of teachers say they know a lot about them.
  5. According to a recent Whiteboard Advisers report, 84% say student debt is a real problem for families; 59% say Obama’s Race to the Top competition was NOT a good idea.