1) About 50,000 immigrant children are starting school; under federal law, they are entitled to a free public education regardless of immigrant status.
2) Finds Whiteboard Advisers, 72% of surveyed “key education influentials” agree that Congress won’t reauthorize the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
3) According to an Education Next poll, 40% of teachers say they oppose the Common Core, three times more than in 2013; 53% of the public now approves of them.
4) Less than 25% of teachers surveyed by the Education Week Research Center say they are “prepared” or “well-prepared” to teach the Common Core Standards to English-language learners.
5) A recent survey of school superintendents found that about 50% of them want to reduce expulsions and out-of-school suspensions, but say, if they did, 72% would expect push back from teachers and 57% would expect that from principals.