- 33 states and D.C. have now received NCLB waivers, freeing them from its looming 2014 100% reading and math proficiency mandate. In return are promises to develop and implement reform plans and promote and evaluate teacher effectiveness.
- The Obama administration is now planning to fund a “Master Teacher Corps” with members receiving $20,000 in addition to their regular earnings. Cost within four years: $1 billion.
- The House of Representatives has put forward a budget proposal that would axe Obama’s Race to the Top competition, School Grant Improvement program, and the nearly $150 million Investing in Innovation program. It would, however, renew the $60 million Promise Neighborhoods program, $300 million Teacher Incentive Fund, and the nearly $160 million comprehensive literacy program among others.
- Up to 124 local education and “related agencies” are vying for a share of the $60 million now available through Obama’s 2012 Investing in Innovation (i3) program.
- The South Carolina General Assembly has approved a state budget proviso prohibiting the use of state funds to adopt and support the Common Core Science Standards, also known as the New Generation Science Standards