- In a Forward Institute report, among low-income schools, traditional public school students have higher achievement scores than those at charters, and, at public schools serving mostly low-income students, “the effects on achievement were less damaging in traditional public schools than in charter schools.”
- Teacher unions are reportedly strongest in Hawaii, Oregon, Montana, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and California; they’re weakest in Mississippi, Virginia, South Carolina, and Arizona.
- The AFT wants the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards to design a rigorous professional exam for K-12 teachers similar to the bar exam for lawyers and board certification for doctors.
- Since many Fairfax county school students found web-based instruction confusing and hard to use, the district will now spend about $2million for paper textbooks.
- Alexandria City Public Schools will likely drop high school rankings, tossing out valedictorian status, too, in order to curb competition and graduate well-rounded stufdents.