Of the 800 teens questioned in Common Sense Media’s remote instruction survey:
- 60% said online learning is worse than in-person instruction; 25% said it’s “much worse.”
- And yet, 42% think schooling now should be fully remote; 37% prefer the hybrid model, with 19% wanting 100% in person.
- 70% are either somewhat or very worried that they or someone they know will get COVID-19 with in-person instruction.
- 82% of the Hispanic teens worry about getting sick, along with 62% of white, 79% of Asian, and 71% of black students.
- Just 30% trust their schools “a lot” to take the necessary steps to keep them safe from the coronavirus, while 52% said “a little,” and 17% said “not at all.”
- 61% are concerned about falling behind academically.
- About 50% worry they’ll lose out on scholarships, with another 50% concerned the pandemic will hurt their college or job prospects.
- 56% are “very” or “somewhat” worried that they’ll lose their connections with friends.
- Just 30% feel “more connected than usual” to their families down from 40% in March.
As for what these teens see as their biggest academic challenges this year:
- 42% said learning remotely;
- 37% said the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic; and
- 32% said it’s emotional upheaval.
And so it goes in 2020, as kids continue to pay a huge coronavirus price…
With hope and well wishes, Carol