According to current National Education Association data, the 3 highest and lowest teacher salaries:
- New York: $87,738
- Massachusetts: $86,315
- California: $85,892
- South Dakota: $49,993
- Florida: $49,583
- Mississippi: $47,655
According to 2017-18 data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES):
*** Of the 130,930 K-12 U.S. schools:
- Elementary account for 87,498
- Secondary account for 26,727
- Combined schools: 15,804
- Other: 901
*** On average, public schools enroll 527 students
- City: 585 students
- Suburban: 656 students
- Town: 443 students
- Rural: 364 students
*** Our public schools enroll some 50.7 million students; about 3.3 million attend charter schools, and 5,719,990 attend private schools, which break down as follows:
- 4% in Catholic schools
- 4% in non-religious schools
- 2% in un-affiliated religious schools
*** The breakdown of our student population:
- White: 47.0%
- Hispanic: 27.2%
- Black: 15.1%
- Asian: 5.3%
- 2 or more race: 4.1%
- American Indian/Alaskan Native: 1.0%
- Pacific Islander: 0.4%
*** The racial demographics of teachers:
- 3% White
- 3% Hispanic
- 7% Black
- 1% Asian
- 8% two or more races
- 5% American Indian/Alaskan Native
- 2% Native Hawaiian/
- Pacific Islander
*** As for teachers’ unions:
- 4% of teachers are union members
- 29 million are National Education Association members
- 7 million are American Federation of Teachers members
And so it goes, as yet another school year unfolds.
~ With my many thanks, Carol