Can’t deny it: The Common Core State Standards are both controversial and constantly newsworthy, and now again with the recently released 2015 District Administration Educator Survey of 317 school leaders from across the country who were asked to agree/strongly agree or disagree/strongly disagree to three statements.
The first asked if they thought the opt-out movement whereby students refuse to take mandated standardized tests, will grow:
- 60% agreed or strongly agreed
- 24% disagreed or strongly disagreed
- 16% took neither position
The next asked if political pressure against the Common Core Standards would increase in their state:
- 62% agreed or strongly agreed
- 18% disagreed or strongly disagreed
- 20% took neither position
The last one asked if implementation of the new learning standards [Common Core] and the associated tests were generally successful in their state:
- 32% agreed or strongly agreed
- 37% disagreed or strongly disagreed
- 31% took neither position
So there you have it. School leaders, right there along with teachers and parents, apparently question the merit of the Common Core Standards and their related online assessments. According to this survey anyway, they’re anything but a home run, despite all the costs. Just so you know, spending by states and large districts has topped $7 billion, and that’s just part of the story.
Now it’s your turn to weigh in.