Tech: Smartening Up or Dumbing Down Our Kids?

  So, when folks talk about “the good old days,” I believe they mean, as Joan Abbott wrote, the generation… “Of Kids who did their homework alone to get out asap to play in the street. When kids spent all their free time in the streets with their friends. Of kids who...

8 Steps to Improve Kids’ Writing

 “The younger I was, the less I wanted to revise. Kids typically have the same  taste for revisions as they do veggies. ~ Paul Fleishman, Newbury winner Correct wording, sentence structure, verb tense, spelling, comma usage, and on and on… Grammar and punctuation are...

In 2022, Resolve To…

Tyler Perry had it right when he said, “Developing a good work ethic is key. Apply yourself at whatever you do because that work ethic will be reflected in everything you do in life.” Share it, promote it, and model it every day by being reliable, cooperative,...

Thoughts for a Christmas Morning

"Random acts of kindness are those little sweet or grand lovely things we do for no reason except that, momentarily, the best of our humanity has sprung, exquisitely, into full bloom... You are doing what the best of your human soul invites you to do... In giving...