Quotable Quotes: September 1, 2014

** “Education is in something of a Catch-22. If they have standards, there will be dropouts among people who don’t want to do the work to reach the minimum levels. If they don’t have standards, they are just an assembly line and that is bad for...

It’s an Education Fact: 11/12/2013

1) A Thomas B. Fordham Institute estimates that the total cost of implementing the Common Core standards will be between $3 billion and $12 billion depending on which approaches states use. 2) A Scholastic poll of more than 2,000 teachers finds that 75% of them think...

Quotable Education Quotes: 8/12/2013

**  “Most of my teaching career was spent working with at-risk kids, the ones destined to fail. The scores of my students cannot be compared with the scores of the AP teacher’s students. My students scores should be compared with their previous test scores...

Education News: 4/4/2013

When Arne Duncan became education secretary, he vowed to close or revamp 1,000 schools a year for 5 years. The result: activists across the country recently converged on the U.S. Department of Education demanding that the shutdowns be stopped. North Dakota has merged...

Making Education News: 2/14/2013

In addition to the Race to the Top for districts granting awards of $5 million to $40 million over 4 years to districts, the FY12 budget included Effective Teachers and Leaders State Grants of $2.5 billion. For the FY13 budget, the Title II Teacher Quality Grants are...