Quotable Education Quotes

*** “‘There”s a wide range for learning to read. If we make students feel pressure so that they shut down, then that light bulb is not going to be as likely to come on, and they aren’t going to develop the confidence that they need to become...

Quotable Education Quotes: October 13, 2014

** “Sure, every aging generation thinks things were better in ‘their’ day, but this time it’s not a case of rose-colored reminiscing. Somewhere along the line, things have changed. From the massive homage paid to political correctness to the...

Quotable Education Quotes: July 20, 2014

** “Inexperience with technology might frustrate many students taking the computerized Common Core assessments. As I recently realized after debriefing with hundreds of students who had participated in pilots of computerized assessment items, even many digital...